Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Transplanting Daylilies

Yesterday I transplanted nine daylilies from the two-tiered circle in the front yard to the garden under the redbud tree. I love the colors: deep pumpkin, yellows, maroons. I'm not an orange flower person, but the pumpkin shades are so rich I enjoy them.

Then the rains came last night and soaked those plants good! Just what they need.

The weeds have calmed down with cooler temps, but the dollar weed--or is it penny weed?--is still invading the mondo grass. Will get down and pull that out next week.

Ginger lilies are still blooming. Pentas (red) is almost as pretty as it was during summer. I love that plant and will fill the backyard with more next year. It never wilted once in the summer heat.

And my lovely Chaste tree still has one or two blooms!
