Spent several hours this morning cleaning up my backyard garden. Glorious golden autumn sunshine kept me warm and cheerful.
I was sitting in the sunroom admiring my space and saw a bird with a blue back fly to the fence. It had a rosy breast and I hoped it was a bluebird. Since I've never, ever seen one in my entire life, I was thrilled.
A few seconds later, a smaller bird joined him on the fence and I hoped it was a female. They sat there companionably for several minutes and I finally thought to get out the binoculars. When the female turned around I saw a small spot of bright blue at the base of her tail.
The male flew off and I got a good look at his blue back. And where did he fly? To the ancient bluebird house that was here when we bought our house and has been nothing but ornamental for three years. He hung onto the hole for a few seconds then disappeared.
Did he go inside to inspect the interior as a possible domicile? Is this bluebird mating season? I am totally bluebird ignorant.
The female flew off into our big pine tree. I lost her in the needles and branches and didn't see the male again.
What a lovely way to top off a pleasant morning in the garden.