Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year, New Garden

Now that I've cleared away the Christmas clutter, the unfinished front yard beckons. Bright green weeds and dead gray grass scream for attention.

Since I bought a pick ax last fall, received a garden scooter from my kids for Christmas, and enlisted my husband's help for the heavy hacking, and since winter insists on being mercifully mild, there's no excuse not to finish the job.

After I tame the terrain, I promise to spread one shade and one type of mulch over all the front yard gardens, which now, sadly, reflect every type and shade of mulch on sale at Lowe's and Home Depot over the last year.

Seeing two bright pink flowers on a patch of creeping phlox cuddled next to the flagstone is stimulating and not something I'd see in Massachusetts this time of year. Ah, the joys of coastal Carolina.