Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hello, Pansies

Out went the bedraggled petunias and in came purple and white pansies to the porch windowboxes. They look like Christmas ornaments. Keeping in the holiday theme, the Bradford Pear is a spectacular combination of deep red and green. I love this tree!

Everything's getting a good autumn (yes, it's still autumn) drink with all the rain that's fallen and will continue to fall. The retention ponds (and overflow ponds) are filled. I like this so much better than the bare, dry holes that have dotted the area the last two years.

Camellias are full of buds. Some earlier varieties have been blooming since October (but not in my yard). I don't know what my camellias are called. They were here when we moved in. All I know is they are beautiful!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Hate to spray...but...

The dollar weed is unrelenting. And the three inches of rain last night are an unexpected December boost. I dug out the Roundup and made the rounds, zapping those nasty round dollars and the centipede weed--or grass--or whatever it is.

Back yard is solid Bradford Pear leaves and pine needles. Good mulch!

Ah, here it is, December 3, and a great day to walk on the beach!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Goodbye Petunias!

The pink and purple petunias that flowed from windowboxes on my front porch have called it quits. Lasting till Dec. 1--not bad at all. But it's time to clean out the boxes and plant some pansies--or tiny evergreens if I can find them. Or both!

Purple sage is still blooming in the front yard. Three plants with tall spikes. The ice plant still offers a few spikey flowers and one valiant Gaillardia opened up the other day. Oh, almost forgot: one super-strength coneflower is sporting a half-dozen beautiful blooms. The other plants--same variety, same location--long since gave up flowering. But those six orange flowers sure look pretty.

Grass is still green, thank goodness. I do detest that brown stuff.

The Bradford Pear is turning red. The yellow and orange leaves seem to fall quickly, but the red hangs on a while.

The backyard's looking kinda raggy. Really should get out there and rake. Get those pine needles down for mulch. So much to do!

Up north, this would all be covered with snow. So how lucky am I?!